There are 169,291 guns registered in the Montreal area. The most popular known model? The M1 Garand, a rifle used by US troops in the Second World War.
As well, nearly 2,000 gun were declared lost or stolen since 1999. Of those, only 87 were recorded as recovered.
These are just a few insights about guns in Montreal gleaned from the Canadian gun registry data, recently obtained and made available by La Presse. The data go to Jan. 2012, and at more than 900 MB and nearly 8 million rows, it’s a dataset that requires some serious data tools to tackle.
Even my SQLite Firefox plugin gave up on it.
This was a perfect opportunity to do some exploratory data analysis using R, a powerful statistical scripting language favoured by many a data scientist.
While tough to grasp at first, it’s incredibly fast, even with large datasets like this.
Once I loaded the CSV data in to R, I created a subset for the Montreal area. The data only contains the first two digits of the postal code for each registered gun. So I could only narrow it down to the H postal district.
Here are some highlights I found
Number of records: 169,291
Top three gun types (in order): Rifle, shotgun, handgun
Average barrel length: 520mm
Most popular make: Remington
Most popular known models:
M1 Garand (7,941 registered – Breda and Beretta are the top makes)
Winchester 94 (2,437 registered)
Remington 870 Express (1,679 registered)
Cooey 840 (1,581 registered)
Number of unknown models: 14,449
Number of restricted guns: 12,691
Number of prohibited guns: 7,363
(RCMP: Definition of a prohibited gun)
Number of prohibited guns registered to individuals: 5,629
Most popular prohibited gun: Heckler & Koch P2000 pistol
Number of guns declared stolen: 1,655
Number of guns declared lost: 434
Number of lost or stolen guns recovered: 87
Number of fully automatic weapons: 115 (all are owned by businesses or museums)
Number of grenade launchers: 2. One is owned by a business, the other by an individual. The latter is an M203.
I, for one, am very curious to know who this sole grenade launcher owner is, and his reasons for owning one.
Big spike in registrations in 2001
When the registration dates for guns in Montreal is visualized as a histogram per month, you see a huge spike in late 2001 through early 2002 (see chart below).
Sgt. Greg Cox of the RCMP’s media relations team explained this as a rush to register guns once the law made it mandatory:
“There was a ‘spike’ in registrations in 2001 (and 2002) because the Firearms Act required firearms to be registered prior to Dec 31, 2002.”
Gun thefts on the rise
Is this troubling? The registry notes the date a gun was stolen, if it was. Here’s a chart of how many guns were stolen per month in Montreal.
The RCMP said I should ask the Montreal police about this. I have sent their media team a message and am awaiting a response.